Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Mary Englebreit Goes H.A.M. On All The Haters

Who knew Mary Englebreit could bring the thunder?

Yesterday, Ms. Engelbreit posted this moving piece on her Facebook Page:

This moving image spawned an all out gingham war. Ms. Englebreit's Facebook page promptly exploded with a tsunami of Internet shade:

Opinions! Opinions everywhere! My favorite is the top one (which sounds like one of Mussolini's cheerleaders to me). 

Proving she's built tougher than a Terminator T-800, Ms. Englebreit followed up with another post today:

Ms. Englebriet has not only shown what true artistic integrity is, she has shown the power of art to move the heart towards empathy. My mom knows her shiz, once again! 

I salute you you Ms. Mary Englebreit!